Busy busy busy!! And we just can't avoid that wind. Guess that's life.
I've been seeing the baby Costa's hummingbirds and they are very entertaining. One (some?) of

them sits on the hummer feeder attached to the edge of the kitchen window sill and stares at me (washing dishes) for several minutes at a time. Intense staring. For a hummer to stand still for 30 seconds is rare. Several minutes is unusual - this tells me it must be one of the babies of this year, and its learning its environment. I do believe that this hummer is one of the babies. Its difficult to see in the photo, but it *is* smaller than the other Costa's adults. Its also a little duller and fuzzier.
We've also seen some Anna's hummers, which are unusual here (they occur more towards the coast) they usually leave by the heat of the summer. I like them because their
gorgets are red.
The desert iguanas are starting to emerge... which means the heat of the summer is arriving!

I also wanted to share this photo. It is looking south, across the Antelope Valley, to the California Poppy Preserve. See that orange?? Those are the
California poppies!! We're so close, and yet so far... At least I can share several

other poppies that I've seen this spring. To the right is the small-flowered poppy
(Eschscholzia minutiflora). The flower is much much smaller (desert stuff is like that...).

And this is a prickly poppy
(Argemone munita)
, which also occurs in the desert, but this one likes washes. You can see a rodent hole behind this poppy. Probably a
desert kangaroo rat, one of the cutest rodents, ever! I've never seen one, only their huge burrow holes (I have seen the more-common Merriam's kangaroo rat (
Dipodomys merriami), which even live in our yard). The desert k-rats must be big, because the holes are about 4 inches across. Kangaroo rats are not rats. In fact, they have cute
tufted tails. They have large legs and hop around like kangaroos. Very cute.
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