Friday, July 25, 2008

Christian the Lion

I recommend you watch with the sound on. The sappy music absolutely does the image justice!

Well, there's a first time for everything, and here is my first post of an image that is not mine. Of course, I would say that it is very fitting for this honor. Its a wonderful story that has been resurrected through the medium of the internet, YouTube, facebook, blogs, and everything else. I'm happy to have it here too...
This brought tears to my eyes!! If you want to read more about the story of Christian the lion, here's the link that my hubby found. Its a great story: Christian the Lion.

1 comment:

Raven Grrrl said...

okay, okay...

did anyone catch how I got to use the words: "Christian", "lion" and "resurrected" all in the same post?!?

And I'm an atheist!

ahhh. That felt good.