Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Out Standing in Their Field(s)

Field work, as glorious as it may sound....

Does it sound glorious? (I've always wondered that!)

... isn't always a walk in the park. In fact, that's usually what field work is NOT. I thought I'd share with you a few fun photos taken over the years and over different terrain. One theme I'd like to express - always make the best of everything. And be prepared for the worst!

One of the favorite pastimes of field biologists is the pursuit of a good locality for writing field notes. A well-formed rock outcrop can make my day!! (If you note the wind-swept look of the trees above and the bandanna covering my face, you'll have to pretend to understand what the photo can not show - its really windy there. One of the benefits of laying low is being out of the wind... so a nice seat, low to the ground, is a great find!).

The desert presents its own set of challenges - paramount is the grabbing of any shade to be had. To ignore such an opportunity is to be lazy. And who wants to be lazy when it comes to comfort seeking?

And... lest you think we professionals never slip up... I've got the proof!
Not to worry, we always carry a little shovel (and squares of wood AND metal plates called "Tow In A Box" AND tow straps. Yes, and we have used them all through the years!). This road was just graded, so when we pulled off on the side to check out some stuff... the car didn't have much luck with the soft, moist berm. We got outta that one fast.

Because I get paid to hike doesn't mean I'm always very graceful about it! Sometimes the best way to get down a steep, talus-ey outcrop is to use yer head. Which means using yer @ss!

By the way, the rock-hugging green and red plant behind me is the urn-flowered alum root (Heuchera elegans), a California rare plant. In part, it is because the plant grows in a very limited geographic location. In part - it doesn't get reported often since it grows on steep, talusey slopes - places were most people don't find themselves sliding around on their @sses...

Getting that perfect shot is not a glamorous job at all; but we gotta do what it takes!

(yes, I do realize this pic actually displays my @ss even more prominently than the previous...)

And never miss a photo opportunity with an old, rusted out car!

Well... maybe not EVERY opportunity...

(thanks to my cousin, M, for the photo!)

Bye y'all!

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